

기사입력 2023.04.28 19:34

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    Taekwondo is one of the martial arts that originated in Korea. It is a martial art for sports and educational purposes that emphasizes kicking and attacking with the feet and hands.

    Taekwondo is based on Taekwondo, a traditional martial art, and Kwonmu, a modern martial art, and is currently gaining popularity as an international sporting event.

    Taekwondo's techniques are core to kicking, palm kicking, attacking techniques with both hands, defensive techniques, movement, and agility.

    Taekwondo is a sport that is highly regarded for its educational value as well as physical health improvement, mental health improvement, self-defense ability improvement, stress relief, and sports game value.

    In particular, if you learn taekwondo, you can learn cooperation, leadership, respect, and a sense of justice.

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